Account Management Help

How do I update my 123 Reg account password?

This article will show you how to change your 123 Reg account password

The simplest way of changing your account password is by following the instructions in the following Support article: How do I reset my 123 Reg account password?

Alternatively, you can follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Start by logging in to your 123 Reg Control Panel.
  2. From there, click Account Settings in the toolbar and then choose Login & Security from the list of options.
  3. On the next page, select Edit below Password.
  4. Several fields will now appear. Enter your current password into the top field and then your new password into the two bottom fields.

    Once you’ve done this, click Save to confirm your changes.

Please note: Passwords must satisfy the following criteria to ensure they are as secure as possible:
  • 12 or more characters
  • A mix of lower and upper-case English letters
  • At least one number (0-9)
  • At least one special character from the following: !$%^&*()-_=+}{#@’:;.>,
  • At least four unique characters
  • No more than two repeated characters together e.g. hhh
  • No number sequences e.g. 5678