123 Reg Support

I didn’t receive my 2-Step Verification code

This article will show you what to do if you haven’t received your 2-step verification (2SV) code.

If you’re not receiving any 2SV codes on your phone, you may wish to try the following actions:

  • Make sure your phone isn’t blocking the number +1 (480) 360-5516
  • Check your phone for updates and install them
  • Restart your phone and resend the 2SV code
  • Check that you have a stable signal and internet connection
  • Make sure that notifications are enabled
  • Disable ‘Do Not Disturb’ in your settings
  • Disable any apps that may interfere with your text messages

Please avoid clicking ‘resend code’ too many times or else your verification method will be disabled for 24 hours. Should this happen, you will need to wait 24 hours and try again.

Please note: if your number is based in India, this may be because our text message provider Twilio is having difficulties reaching you. For more information, please visit the following page.