123 Reg Support

I have received a call from 123 Reg. What do I do?

This article will explain why you’ve received a call from 123 Reg and how you can get back in contact with us.

If you have recently received a call from 0207 023 4874, this is because a member of our Support team has tried to get in contact with you to discuss your 123 Reg account, products or services.

You can call us back on 0207 023 4874 and one of our Support team members will be able to discuss your account with you.

We have a few different phone lines so that you are able to speak to the right Support team member. Click here for information on which of our phone options to select.

If you are unable to talk to us on the phone, you can use the Raise Support Ticket option at the top of this page to create a Support request or contact us using our live chat service.