123 Reg Support

How do I migrate a cPanel account to my server using cPanel and WHM?

This article will show you how to migrate a cPanel account to your Virtual Private Server.

If you want to move everything within your cPanel account to a Virtual Private Server, simply follow the instructions outlined below:

Step 1 of 11

Start by accessing your cPanel account. If your account is with us, you’ll need to access your dashboard and click cPanel Admin.

Step 2 of 11

From here, select Backup within the Files section.

Step 3 of 11

On the next page, select Download a Full Account Backup below the option Full Backup.

Step 4 of 11

Tick the box Do not send email notification of backup completion and then click Generate Backup.

Step 5 of 11

Once done, click Go Back and, within a few minutes, you will see your latest backup within the Backups Available for Download section. Save this file.

Step 6 of 11

Next, open WebHost Manager (WHM).

Step 7 of 11

Enter cpmove into the provided search box.

Step 8 of 11

Click Restore a Full Backup/cpmove File.

Step 9 of 11

Next, select Restore with File within Settings.

Step 10 of 11

Click Choose File and then upload the backup file you downloaded earlier.

Step 11 of 11

Once done, click Restore to complete the process. WHM will now begin migrating your account.