123 Reg Support

How do I use the Bulletin Board script?

This article applies to Linux Dedicated Servers.
This article explains how to use the free CGI script named bulletin board. Bulletin Board is a free CGI script which you can install onto your account via the CGI Scripts page. The script enables a threaded discussion forum on your web site.

Accessing Bulletin Board

The installation process creates a directory called board in your cgi-bin in which the discussion board files are stored. The discussion board can therefore be accessed at http://www.yourdomain.co.uk/cgi-bin/board. To allow your visitors to view and post to your bulletin board just make a hyperlink in your page to this URL.

Managing Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board includes a handy administration interface which allows you to remove old postings from the board. This can be accessed at http://www.yourdomain.co.uk/cgi-bin/board/boardadmin.pl. The username and password for the administration section are initially both set to admin. You are advised to change these immediately.

Customising Bulletin Board

The main Bulletin Board page can be found at /cgi-bin/board/index.html when you connect to your account by FTP. You can modify this page to compliment the design and colours of your site, you must however ensure that the form elements of the page remain intact. We suggest that you make a backup of the page before making any modifications.