123 Reg Support

How do I view the resource usage of my 123 Reg server?

This article will explain how you can view your resource usage within your Virtual Private Server.

If your website is experiencing long loading times or simply won’t load, you may wish to see how many resources are available on your server. Simply click the relevant title below and follow the provided instructions to get started:

Please note: removing files is an irreversible action and can cause issues with your server.

Via 123 Reg Control Panel

Please note: these instructions only apply to our current generation of Virtual Private Servers.

Step 1 of 5

Start by logging in to your 123 Reg Control Panel.

Step 2 of 5

Next, select Servers within the ‘All Products and Services’ section.

Step 3 of 5

Click Manage opposite the VPS you want to access.

Step 4 of 5

You will now be taken to your dashboard. From here, click Monitoring.

Step 5 of 5

On the next page, you’ll see all the important figures relating to your server, including your available disk space and RAM, your server uptime percentage as well as your CPU resource usage.

Via Linux

You can perform the following commands to review processes within your server:

  • top: shows a real-time list of information about your server
  • ps: shows a list of ongoing processes
  • sar: shows a list of your server’s usage statistics
  • watch: allows you to view commands/tasks as they’re being completed

Via Windows

Step 1 of 7

Start by enabling root or admin access on your server.

Step 2 of 7

Next, access your server via Remote Desktop Connection.

Step 3 of 7

You will then need to download and install a disk usage software tool like WinDirStat.

If you’re having difficulties installing this tool, you may wish to remove the Windows and Plesk temp files from your server or uninstall any unnecessary programs from your server.

Step 4 of 7

Once you’ve done this, right-click the icon for your software tool and select Run as administrator from the drop-down menu.

Step 5 of 7

Select which drive you wish to examine within the menu that appears or choose All Local Drives.

Step 6 of 7

You can then browse the directories within your drive to see the usage.

Step 7 of 7

If you wish to remove any files, open Windows Explorer within your desktop.

Via Plesk 11

Please note: this article was originally created for our previous generation of Virtual Private Servers. As such, some of the information may not be relevant to our current generation of Virtual Private Servers.

Step 1 of 2

Log in to your Parallels Plesk Panel.

Step 2 of 2

Click on the View detailed resource usage link.

You will now be able to view the resource usage statistics.

Via Plesk 10

Please note: this article was originally created for our previous generation of Virtual Private Servers. As such, some of the information may not be relevant to our current generation of Virtual Private Servers.

Step 1 of 2

Log in to your Parallels Plesk Panel.

Step 2 of 2

Click on the View detailed resource usage link.

You will now be able to view the resource usage statistics.