123 Reg Support

Generate a CSR: cPanel

This article will explain how you can generate a Certificate Signing Request for your cPanel package.

Once your domain name is pointing to your hosting product, you can begin generating your CSR by following the instructions outlined below:

Step 1 of 7

Start by logging in to your Web Hosting dashboard.


Step 2 of 7

Once you’ve accessed your dashboard, select cPanel Admin.


Step 3 of 7

On the next page, click SSL/TLS under the Security heading.


Step 4 of 7

Select Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificate signing requests under the Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) heading.


Step 5 of 7

On the next page, you’ll need to complete the following fields:

  • Key – choose whether you want to generate a new private key or use an existing one
  • Domains – enter the domain name or URL you wish to secure. If you’re requesting a Wildcard certificate, you’ll need to add an asterisk at the start of the domain name (i.e. *.yourdomain.co.uk)
  • City – enter the city where your business is based
  • State – enter the state where your business is based
  • Country – select the country where your business is based
  • Company – enter your business’ name. If you don’t have a business, then enter your name


Step 6 of 7

Once you’ve entered this information, click Generate at the bottom of the page.


Step 7 of 7

Your CSR will now be shown in the Encoded Certificate Signing Request section. Be sure to make a copy of your CSR, as you will need it to request an SSL certificate.