This article will show you how to unpublish your website and set it to ‘Offline’.
You may wish to set your website offline when you want to make changes to it and don’t want visitors to view them before it’s finished.
Since this process differs depending on which version of Website Builder you have, please select your version from the list below and follow the instructions provided to get started:
If you’re not sure which version of Website Builder you have, you can find out by reading this article.
Version 9
Start by logging in to Website Builder.
From there, click Settings in the right-hand menu.
On the next page, click Unpublish below My Domain.
A pop-up window will now appear, asking you to confirm your choice. Click Yes, unpublish.
You can take your website back online by clicking Publish at the top of the page.
Version 8
From there, select Settings in the left-hand menu.
Click Site URL from the menu that appears.
From there, click Unpublish to take your website offline.
To put your site back online, you’ll need to republish it by clicking Republish within your top-right corner.