How do I add keywords to my Website Builder site?
This article will show you how to add keywords to your Website Builder site.
If you want your website to be discovered by more people, you’ll need to improve its Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) ranking.
Adding keywords to your site is a key part of SEO, as it means that, when someone enters words relating to your site into a search engine like Google, they will be more likely to find your site. It also means that your site will appear higher on Google searches, allowing you to stand out from the competition.
Since this process differs depending on which version of Website Builder you have, please select your version from the list below and follow the instructions provided to get started:
If you’re not sure which version of Website Builder you have, you can find out by reading this article.
Version 9
Start by logging in to Website Builder.
From there, click Settings in the right-hand menu.
Next, click Get found on Google.
Here you can add a headline and description to each of your pages. If you have a higher tier Website Builder package, you can further optimise your website by clicking Start Optimising.
You will now be taken to the SEO portal. From here, click Start opposite Add keywords to the rest of your site.
Next, click Start opposite one of your pages.
Enter one or two words that best describe your page into the provided fields.
After a few moments, you will be presented with several keywords. You can also generate more results by clicking More keywords.
Select the most relevant options from the provided list and then click Next.
You will now be presented with several options for page titles. Choose your preferred title and click Next.
On the next page, you can create a description for your page. Be sure to include the keywords you selected earlier, which can be seen below the provided field.
Once you’ve done this, click Next.
You can now create a headline for your website. Again, make sure you include your chosen keywords and then click Next.
Alternatively, you can click Skip This Step to continue on.
Next, you’ll be given a list of sections. Feel free to add your keywords to one or more of them and then click Next.
Again, you can click Skip This Step if you’d prefer.
You will now be shown a summary of your changes. If you need to make any additional amends, click Edit opposite the relevant section.
If you’re happy with everything, click Done.
To make your changes live, click Publish My Website.
Otherwise, click I’ll Publish Later to save them. The next time you publish your site, your changes will go live.
Version 8
From there, select Settings in the left-hand menu.
Click SEO from the menu that appears.
Here you can enter details that will help boost your site’s ranking on search engines, including a Title, Description and Keywords.
Make sure that you separate your keywords with a comma, otherwise it will count as one incredibly long keyword.
In addition to this, you can update each of your website’s pages to incorporate keywords. However, doing this will override any values you’ve entered in the Settings page, which apply to your overall site.
To amend the SEO for each of your pages, start by selecting Pages in the left-hand menu.
A list of all your current webpages will now be displayed.
Click the gear icon opposite the page you want to update, and then click SEO from the drop-down menu that appears.
This will open a separate menu where you can add content such as a description and keywords for that page. Repeat these steps for every page of your website to ensure maximum coverage.