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Updated: 31 May 2024
This statement is made on behalf of GoDaddy Inc. and its affiliated entities GoDaddy.com LLC, GoDaddy Europe Limited, and 123-Reg Limited pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (U.K.), Wild West Domains, LLC pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act (2018) (Australia), and GoDaddy Domains Canada Inc. pursuant to the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Canada) (together, “GoDaddy”, “we”, and “our”, and the “Act”).
1. Introduction
Slavery and human trafficking remain an affliction on global society. GoDaddy is committed to respecting human rights and taking appropriate actions toward combatting acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring, within both our business and supply chain. GoDaddy takes seriously the responsibility to be alert and vigilant to the risk of modern slavery within our supply chain. We are committed to helping our employees and our wider supply chain be aware of these risks and understand how to report them. A key value of our business is an open culture to report suspected misconduct.
2. Structure, Activities, and Supply Chain of the Business
GoDaddy Inc. is headquartered in Tempe, Arizona, USA and sells its products and services through subsidiaries in many countries, including Australia, Canada and throughout the United Kingdom and Europe through GoDaddy.com LLC, Wild West Domains, LLC, GoDaddy Domains Canada, Inc., and GoDaddy EMEA subsidiaries, including GoDaddy Europe Limited and 123-Reg Limited, all of which are covered by this Group Statement.
GoDaddy is a global leader serving a large market of entrepreneurs by providing easy-to-use products on a single technology platform with personalized guidance. We serve small businesses, individuals, organizations, developers, designers, and domain investors. Our vision is to radically shift the global economy toward life-fulfilling entrepreneurial ventures. Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs everywhere, making opportunities more inclusive for all. As of December 31, 2023, we had approximately 21 million customers globally and market and sell to customers in over 200 markets. Approximately a third of our revenue was derived from our international presence.
As of December 31, 2023, we had approximately 6,100 employees worldwide, including approximately 2,700 in care and services, approximately 2,200 in technology and development, approximately 390 in marketing and advertising, and approximately 800 in general and administrative. Also, approximately 3,500 individuals who are employed with or engaged by our external partners provide services as GoDaddy Guides. These third-party providers are primarily located in international markets, most significantly in India, the Philippines, and Malaysia. A majority of our employees are based in the U.S. and Europe.
The substantial majority of our suppliers are IT, software, financial and professional services organizations, including banks, lawyers, accountants, consultants, insurers, and recruitment agencies. Other suppliers include providers of office supplies, catering, office cleaning, point-of- sale hardware device manufacturers, and facilities management providers.
We believe we have one of the most recognized technology brands in the U.S. To find out more about the nature of our business, please visit our website: https://www.godaddy.com.
3. Commitment to Sustainable Actions
As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, we are demonstrating our commitment to supporting people, the planet, and our communities through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through this membership, we commit to supporting the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, anti-corruption, labour and environment, and to disclosing our progress on each of the principles annually.
We identified six SDGs that we believe our business has the greatest opportunity to impact:
Gender equality
Affordable and clean energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Reduced inequalities
Peace, justice and strong institutions
4. Policies and Due Diligence Process
GoDaddy has a Modern Slavery Act Policy and Guidelines (the “Policy”) that confirms its commitment to taking appropriate actions toward combatting slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain or our business, and provides guidance on supplier due diligence, training, and how to report suspected concerns or violations. Additionally, GoDaddy has a Third-Party Risk Management (“TPRM”) Policy, the purpose of which includes pursuing compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
We do not consider our business to be high risk of modern slavery or human trafficking because the majority of our products and services are technology based and online. Notwithstanding the relatively low risk, we understand the importance of taking appropriate actions toward combatting slavery and human trafficking. As such, our Global Master Services Agreement - Supplier Code of Conduct (“Supplier Code”) includes the following language:
Labour: GoDaddy will not tolerate service providers that use child labour or forced labour such as slave, prison, indentured, bonded, or otherwise. GoDaddy will not tolerate any service providers that engage in the trafficking or exploitation of workers in any manner. GoDaddy service providers must at a minimum comply with all applicable laws for the issues identified below:
Freely Chosen Employment; Anti-Human Trafficking
Humane Treatment
Child Labor Avoidance; Student Interns
Working Hours
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Wages and Benefits
Immigration Law and Compliance
The Supplier Code also gives us the right to audit and/or inspect service providers and to terminate contractual relationships with suppliers if the audits demonstrate that the supplier has failed to follow the Supplier Code. Additionally, GoDaddy has a dedicated and confidential Ethics Helpline through which questions may be asked or suspected violations of laws or GoDaddy policies can be reported. The Ethics Helpline is administered by a third-party to maintain confidentiality and when requested and permitted by local law, reports can be made anonymously.
5. Identifying and assessing risk
The purpose of GoDaddy’s TPRM program is to take appropriate actions toward detecting, measuring, monitoring, mitigating, and reporting risks involved with engaging suppliers. GoDaddy’s Compliance team also supports risk assessment by, among other things, identifying higher risk locations for potential slavery or human trafficking activity and performing background diligence on certain suppliers.
6. Key performance indicators
To assess the effectiveness of our anti-slavery and human trafficking measures, we review the following key performance indicators:
Number of slavery and human trafficking issues reported
GoDaddy employee training
Periodic review of our Policy and risk assessment processes
7. Remediation Measures
GoDaddy did not discover any instances of modern slavery or human trafficking and therefore did not implement remediation measures.
8. Remediation of Loss of Income
GoDaddy did not discover any instances of modern slavery or human trafficking and therefore did not implement remediation of loss of income measures.
9. Training and Consultation
To maintain awareness and promote the understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business, we provide training to those who are in positions where slavery and human trafficking concerns may arise. Additionally, our TPRM and Compliance teams consult, as needed, to address related matters.
10. Our statement
This statement is made in accordance with:
On behalf of the entities covered by this statement, this statement was approved by and authorized to be signed by the Chief Accounting Officer of GoDaddy Inc by the board of:
GoDaddy.com LLC on May 20, 2024
Go Daddy Europe Limited on May 20, 2024
123-Reg Limited on May 20, 2024
Go Daddy Domains Canada, Inc. on May 20, 2024
Wild West Domains, LLC on May 20, 2024
Signed by:
Nick Daddario
GoDaddy Inc. – Chief Accounting Officer GoDaddy.com, LLC – Authorized Officer GoDaddy Europe Limited – Director
123-Reg Limited – Director
Wild West Domains, LLC - President
Go Daddy Domains Canada, Inc. - Director Date: May 20, 2024
In accordance with the requirements of the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Canada), and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in the report for the entity or entities listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in the report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.
Full name: Nicholas Daddario
Title: Director
Date: May 20, 2024
I have the authority to bind GoDaddy Domains Canada Inc.