123 Reg Voucher codes and offers

Save money by taking advantage of our regular promotions on domain names, Web Hosting, email hosting, Website Builder, Online Store and more directly from our site. That way, you won't have to waste time searching for voucher codes from 123 Reg, only to find the same special prices when you visit our website!

As you'll see below, we've further reduced the cost of some of our most popular items below. Simply select the product you want to purchase from the table below and the discount code will be automatically applied during the checkout process. We constantly update our vouchers to ensure you get the best deals every time you buy from our site. Be sure to check this page regularly so you don't miss out on a great discount!

Take advantage of our latest discounts and promotions:

Web Hosting Deluxe

Host up to 10 websites, complete with extra storage and a free SSL Certificate for each site.



per month

Save 44%

Prices exclude 20% VAT. £59.88 per year in advance; minimum contract duration 1 year, then £107.88.
  • Get lightning-fast page loading speeds
  • Receive up to 100GB of storage

  • Unmetered bandwidth included

  • Free domain and email address included

Website Builder Business Plus

Build your own professional website without any technical skills. Easily upgradeable at any time.



per month

Save 33%

Prices exclude 20% VAT. £119.88 per year in advance; minimum contract duration 1 year, then £179.88.
  • Create unlimited pages

  • Allow visitors to book classes and appointments via your site

  • Rank higher on Google with our built-in SEO tools

  • Free domain, email address and SSL Certificate included

Website Builder Online Store

Turn your website into an online shop that customers can buy directly from.



Save 25%

Prices exclude 20% VAT. £161.88 per year in advance; minimum contract duration 1 year, then £215.88.
  • Sell physical and digital products

  • Create your own discount codes and gift cards

  • Provide local and international shipping rates

  • Free domain, email address and SSL Certificate included